Together To The Stars - An Oblivion Above Review

I've discussed black metal on this platform before, but I have yet to talk in-depth about "blackgaze" or "post-black" metal. I touched upon these genres on our year-end list when discussing MOL 's Jord , which was given an honorable mention by yours truly. For a quick recap, "blackgaze" is a genre tag that essentially takes atmospheric black metal, and infuses it with shoegaze and post-rock/metal influences. Bands founded by French mastermind Neige such as Alcest and Amesouers pioneered this style in the early 2000s. Oathbreaker and Altars of Plague notably revolutionized this sound, and Deafheaven has popularized and reinforced it since. After came a wave of innovative and fresh bands in the last few years. Together to the Stars is one of these newcomers. The Swedish two-man group independently released their debut last month to mass attention within the metal community. After initially piquing my interest, I waited on this album for a w...