PMMetalGuide's Best Albums of 2020 - A Year In Review

It goes without saying that 2020 was an unforgettable and unforgivable 366 days that no one in this lifetime could have predicted. This pertains to all forms of life, from politics to worldwide pandemics to creepy Trapt tweets. But one thing always holds true, even despite its constant bombardment of corporate lobbyism, authoritarian power grasps, nationalistic idiocy, and racial discrimination, the search for (and expression of) freedom, in every facet, has persisted into the next year, where more and more strides will be made to bring forth the best humanity has to offer. This year was full of challenging music, with a good deal of excellent albums pushing against an oppressive force of some kind, like Fetch The Bolt Cutters or RTJ4 . Others forced reflection inward, challenging our worth and senses of self, such as Folklore/Evermore or Punisher . We had the advent of the quarantine album, which forced us as listeners to step back and appreciate what artists are goi...