Vatican Shadow - Persian Pillars of the Gasoline Era Review

Dominic Fernow, like many noise musicians, is an absolute machine when it comes to output. His most famous work, under the Prurient moniker, falls into the harsh noise and power electronics genres, where crushing synthesizers and brutal noise machines blast the listener into a horrific and grotesque display of raw emotion unlike anything else. While occasionally branching off into the black metal and dark ambient rabbit holes, Fernow tends to rely on heavy distortion and incomprehensible vocals for his music. But, Vatican Shadow , his ambient and industrial techno side project, had completely flown under my radar up until this point, and it is easy to understand why. Both ambient and techno are genres I hold very little knowledge about. I listen to 2814 , Burial , Brian Eno , Stars of the Lid, and Tim Hecker , but even these artists are pretty huge amongst the ambient community, therefore jumping into something like this was a daunting task (and the fact that I ...