Protest The Hero - Palimpsest Review

At this time you all know PMMetalGuide's feelings towards post-hardcore. With the exception of a few groups, we are not fans. So I am not going to sugarcoat you with a lengthy opening about that, or anything else. And for this album, I don't want to. Palimpsest is, without a doubt, the strangest and most dividing album I have listened to in a long time, and maybe ever. I cannot remember another time where my ideas of pleasure and distaste occupied such a similar space that they became so interwoven beyond my own comprehension, yet still managed to display both flavors in equal and fluctuating quantities (and if you got confused by that sentence; good. That's how I feel about this album in a nutshell.) I always knew Protest The Hero existed in the progsphere, but I never bothered to listen to them due to my endless curiosity and desire to follow the next form of dark, aggressive, or occasionally poppy art. Seeing as this is the group's first effort since I have re...