Adam's Quarterly Review (Jan - Mar 2020)

It has been one hell of a year so far, and not in a good way. It's hard to be optimistic, and not just here in the United States. Around the world economies are crumbling, diseases are rapidly spreading, and morale is low. As this is being written, the world is under lockdown in an attempt to contain COVID-19 before it spreads to every living person on this planet. As a university student, I have returned home, and am continuing to complete my courses virtually. Without going on too much of a tangent, I am nowhere near as proficient in learning over a computer as I am in any classroom setting, and my many mental illnesses have hijacked my psyche in an attempt to console the rapid decline the world is heading in. Now, where has this led me to? You guessed it! Music! But, there must be an explanation regarding the last month of invisibility from this organization. As it stands, it is difficult to maintain this blog with our busy schedules and a lack of motivation across the board. ...