Have A Nice Life - Sea Of Worry Review

Switching one's brain for different genres of music is a harrowing task, increasingly so when analyzing it. When your taste exists almost solely in one corner of the ring, the others seem foreign, challenging, and often inferior. This subculture of elitism in music is rampant online, with the various metal subgenres often being involved in the discussion. Have A Nice Life is a non-metal band that I have grown to love, but in an unconventional way. After delving through online communities in search of the most highly regarded and well-crafted albums ever, Deathconscioussness , the Connecticut-based experimental rock duo’s 2008 debut album, kept coming up. After listening to one of the members depressive singer-songwriter solo projects an excessive amount (Dan Barrett’s Giles Corey ), I eventually decided to find out what all the hype was about regarding Have A Nice Life . While I will not be reviewing the monolithic masterpiece of a double album that is Deathconsciousne...