מזמור - Cairn REVIEW

When asking people what they think metal sounds like, most would probably respond with 'noisy', 'fast', and above all, 'screaming'. If they knew virtually nothing about the genre, they would most likely provide examples such as Metallica , Iron Maiden , and Black Sabbath , and to their credit, they could give worse answers. However, some may be able to identify some "deeper" bands. As someone who entered this lifestyle with Tool , my own expectations regarding metal and its subgenres have changed drastically. With the knowledge I have now, I can posit what is and isn't metal, genre stereotypes, and can even identify some terminology. Yet consistently, these expectations are still broken. Sometimes, pinning down a particular genre for certain projects seems difficult. מזמור ( Mizmor) is a band that exemplifies this struggle. While 'Funeral Doom' is perhaps the easy tag to bestow, the strong black metal influences and element...