Life Right Now - Avant Garde REVIEW

I do not enjoy listening to bad music. Granted, “bad” is an objective term, and what some may find intolerable, I find beautiful and vice-versa. But regardless, the act of listening to music that one does not want to can be a challenge, and what a task it was listening to supergroup Life Right Now 's debut, Avant Garde . Melodic metalcore sure isn't my genre, and the tag "partycore" should not exist, yet Attila and many others have really rubbed in that stain enough to make it an actual subgenre. Look, I saw Of Mice & Men open for Slipknot years ago, and I had a quick two-week phase of repeatedly listening to 'Second & Sebring' and 'Bones Exposed', but we all go through that with some genre or another. However, I would rather listen to any of the worst cuts from that band than any “great” song from this album. Without having a single experience with this despicable genre other than "classic" melodic metalcore and 'About T...