Astronoid - Astronoid Review

Around 2 years ago, a younger man, just beginning to discover music on his own, came across a "Best Metal of 2016" list on the internet. He looked at his computer screen and saw many dark, gloomy album covers, with corresponding bleak titles to match. However, one album particularly caught his eye in this list. This was the release with a bright, but humble cover, and an even simpler name; Air . Among a list of gritty underground black metal bands and muddy death metal, this album looked accessible for a newbie listener, from not only its presentation and label but also the quirky and fun name of the band that presented it; Astronoid . Now jumping off of the story, in a year of winners, Astronoid 's debut, Air , truly stuck out to me. With 2016 being one of the strongest years for metal in recent memory, it was hard to compete with outstanding releases from Cobalt , Alcest , Vektor , and so many others. Yet Astronoid has been somewhat of a constant in my listening ...